We have provided this notice to describe the information collection and use practices at Wellsspecialtypharmacy.com. This policy does not apply to password-protected areas of these sites, which are available only to authorized users and are governed by separate terms of use.
This disclosure is subject to change. You should return to this area periodically to read the most recent version of the privacy policy. The information we provide you on our Web sites will be treated in accordance with the privacy policy in effect as of the date you provide information to us. If you do not agree with the privacy practices described in this policy, you should not provide us with information. This version of the privacy policy is effective as of December 1, 2011.
Information Collection
Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. collects personally identifiable information at its Web sites from Web visitors who are interested in receiving the medications or services it offers, including, but not limited to e-mail alerts, newsletters and event notifications. Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. also collects additional information from authorized users, such as shipping and billing addresses, financial data and other information necessary to process their requests.
About Cookies and Passive Tracking Technologies
A cookie is a small text file that contains a unique ID tag. It is placed on your computer by a Web site to allow our Web sites to remember that they previously have communicated with your browser. Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. uses both session-ID cookies and persistent cookies. A session-ID cookie simply terminates once a user closes his or her browser. A persistent cookie is stored on your hard drive for an extended period of time. Once a persistent cookie is saved on a user’s computer, only our individual Web sites and no other Web site, can read it. Persistent cookies can be removed by following Internet browser help-file directions. Like most standard Web-site servers, our Web sites use log files to collect non-personally identifiable information. This information includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp and number of clicks.
Information Use
Information you provide is used to respond to your request, to fulfill your order or contact you regarding an order, to send you e-mail alerts, to send you requested documents or to send you newsletters, shortage alerts and other news that may be of interest to you. From time to time Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. requests information from users via surveys. Participation in these surveys is voluntary and information collected as part of these surveys is used in compliance with this privacy policy.
We may use the information to provide you with materials about Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. or our medications and services, including new content or services at our Web-sites. We may provide you with these materials by phone, mail, facsimile or e-mail.
We will disclose your personal information if, in good faith, we are required by law to do so, including but not limited to disclosure to law enforcement or other government officials in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement or other activity that is illegal or may expose us to legal liability, providing said agencies also agree to and abide by HIPAA regulations in their use of all data.
Passive tracking mechanisms such as cookies and log files are used by Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. to analyze trends, administer the site, track users’ movement through our Web sites and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. Persistent cookies enable us to track and target the aggregate interests of users to enhance the experience on the site. We do not share, sell, rent or otherwise disclose any information that we collect in any form that is not HIPAA compliant.
HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a Federal law that requires health providers to take certain steps to protect the privacy and security of patient health information. The Notice of Privacy Practices, required by HIPAA, describes how Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. will use and protect your health information. Please click here to review the Notice of Privacy Practices.
Contacting Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. and Options
At the time information is collected, you are given the ability to opt-out of having Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. e-mail you information about Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. or its medications and services, to the extent that sending such materials are unrelated to the purpose for which you provided your information. Authorized users who wish to alter the uses Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. makes of their information may do so by contacting us at 800.622.4510 to exercise available options, or by writing to Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. at:
Wells Pharmacy Network, LLC
803 S. Orlando Ave Suite D
Winter Park, FL 32789
If your personal information changes (such as phone, e-mail address or postal address), you may update your profile by contacting us at the phone number or address listed above.
Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. takes reasonable technical and procedural precautions to protect the information provided by users of our Web sites. When online registration and order forms require users to provide certain information, such as financial data, that information is collected on a “secure” page and the information submitted is encrypted.
Our Web sites contain links to other Web sites not operated by us. These links are provided as a convenience and do not constitute an affiliation with, endorsement or sponsorship of the third parties that operate those Web sites. Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. is not responsible for the availability or reliability of the content of these third-party Web sites. Any information you provide to those third parties is not subject to the terms of this privacy policy and Wells Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. is not responsible for the treatment of the information you provide to those third parties. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of any third party to which you provide personally identifiable information online.
3796 Howell Branch Road Winter Park, FL 32792
• Phone : 407-671-8070
• Email: TeamWinterPark@wspcares.com
• Fax: 407-671-7960
Information contained on this site is provided as an informational aide and for reference use only. The content herein is not intended to be, act as, or replace medical advice or diagnosis for individual health conditions nor is it making evaluations as to the risks or benefits of particular preparations. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional about diagnosis and treatment. Information and statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.